The 2024 5-day Kickstart
If you're feeling like your dog's training and your overall lifestyle with them has fallen off track, don't worry - it happens to the best of us! The good news is that it's never too late to get back into a routine and start making progress again. Whether it's taking your dog for a daily structured walk, practicing obedience commands with mindset in mind, or introducing new impulse control practice, there are plenty of ways to get back on track. By committing to a routine and setting achievable goals, you'll be amazed at how quickly you and your dog can get back into a happy and healthy lifestyle. So don't be afraid to hit the reset button and give yourself & your dog the attention and care deserved & needed to be successful! Let’s jump in!
I know this says a “5-day kickstart,” but I encourage you to make many of these practices a part of your lifestyle with your dog! Dogs are creatures of habit and thrive on routine and structure. They feel more secure and relaxed when they have a predictable daily routine. A structured lifestyle can help them maintain a healthy nervous system and state of mind. A routine that includes regular exercise, playtime, downtime, and rest can keep them physically and mentally healthy. It helps to reduce their stress levels and prevent behavior problems. It’s also so much more peaceful for you once it becomes the norm! As always, I hope this was helpful & here’s to a great start to 2024 for you & your dog!!