The Mindset over Obedience Lifestyle!
This e-course will guide you through the process of taking your relationship with your dog to the next level!
What will be covered?
You will learn how to set boundaries with the humans in your life, proof the "place" command & achieve a calmer STATE OF MIND. Also, door threshold etiquette & MINDSET, implement a "follow me" mode, recall, heel & so much more!
This is not an intro to the e-collar program. For that content, head over to our YouTube Channel & IG Page!
What’s included?
Over two hours of video content!
A custom printable workbook!
Six modules + a bonus section!
Access to a private Facebook group for continued support & education!
Not Currently For Sale… Updates Coming in 2024!
What are other's saying about the course?
Hi Kait & Casey! I wanted to let you know how much we're loving the Mindset Over Obedience course! Even the first module that talks about setting boundaries has been so helpful!
I want to feel confident and proud of both myself and my pup. I want to feel okay with the fact that I don't know everything and that we are learning together. I'm already feeling this using your ecourse, loving it so far
-Charlotte L
I cannot tell you how cool it is to see the small tweaks we are making, such large changes in our relationship... Last night I successfully left Annie on place and went to the garage and back - never moved. I went to the front door and came back in and she didn't move. This is the dog that loses her mind when people come in the house... I'm so excited about the changes that are happening!!
-Meagan H.